

Ancient civilizations,Freemasonry,,,

Decoding the greatest mystery of history

Have you ever wondered why it says on American one dollar "In God we trust " and below it is written “one”. And on the left you can see the Great Pyramid of Khufu. in fact, the answer seems very easy, but is it possible that there is a connection between "In God we trust" and "one" and the "Great Pyramid of Khufu" ? in this article we decoding the most greatest mystery on the history

Most viewed of: Famous but mysterious
Famous but mysterious,Leonardo da Vinci,,,
Second Mona Lisa discovered

A painting hanging above a fireplace in a house in London since 1960. This painting is not only drawn by Leona....

Famous but mysterious,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci

Second Mona Lisa discovered

A painting hanging above a fireplace in a house in London since 1960. This painting is not only drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, but also a previous version of the world-famous portrait.....